Each time you see a card with a question you thought of at 3am when you could not sleep, take a drink of water. You'll probably be hydrated by the end. If not, drink your water anyway as a reward for all that excellent trivia you just learned.
Why is the South Pole colder than the North Pole? Is hippo sweat really pink? What causes a meteor shower? In this intriguing deck of cards, the Experts—biologists, cosmologists, oceanographers, computer scientists, paleontologists, and the like—offer lucid, concise answers to 48 questions asked by readers of Scientific American, one of the world?s finest sources of scientific and technological information made comprehensible to the nonscientist. Casually voiced and packed with solid information, Ask the Experts is a treasure for the intellectually adventurous, a great tool for awakening curiosity in young minds, and a delight to anyone who has ever fruitlessly pondered the abiding question of humankind: If nothing sticks to Teflon®, how does it stick to pans?
• With 48 fact-filled cards per package, Knowledge Cards are a great source of condensed information—all in a deck the size of a pack of playing cards.
• Knowledge Cards are like small books—packed full of information and fun
• An easy way to learn
• Use as flash cards, or as a quiz game
Apparently, only 1/3 of Americans would be able to pass the citizenship test (so say studies from 2018). Here's your chance to find out if you would be part of that 1/3.
There are stories in the stars. Pictures and maps and histories. These knowledge cards will tell you how to read that maze of light out beyond the clouds.