Orders are shipped from our store within 3 business days. For orders of unusual weight and/or size, we reserve the right to contact you and make arrangements for additional payment. We are not currently able to ship outside the United States via this website, but you may contact us via info@gamesofberkeley.com to make other arrangements.
- $11.00 to California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.
- $17.00 to all other contiguous U.S. states (APO locations as well).
- $31.00 to Alaska and Hawaii.
If there is an issue with your shipping order, we will reach out to you by email. If we don't hear back from you in 3 days, we will cancel and refund your order.
Are you able to stop by the Telegraph Avenue district? You can pick up your order at our front counter! Select the 'Pick Up at Store' option in the last stage of your checkout. When your item(s) are ready we will send you an email update. Just remember to bring your order confirmation as proof of purchase, and a photo ID to identify yourself.
Please wait for the "ready for pickup" email before coming to collect your order.
If there is an issue with your pickup order, we will reach out to you by email. If we don't hear back from you in 3 days, we will refund the impacted item(s) and you may pick up any remaining items when you wish.
- 25¢ to cover the reusable paper bag in which your order is prepared, as required by Alameda County law.
Orders may be picked up any time the store is open for business: CLICK HERE
SPECIAL NOTE: There are more than a dozen restaurants on our block, all of which offer some form of pickup. Many people double-park as they wait, causing a fair amount of congestion. We respectfully suggest that you park in the Telegraph-Channing Garage, or find street parking on one of the surrounding blocks. The first hour of parking in the garage is free.
In the lead-up to local conventions we attend as vendors, we offer the option of purchasing items from our web store and picking them up during the event. That option is typically activated within 3 weeks of a convention's dates.
Bought a product by accident, or just decided you didn't need it? Games of Berkeley provides a full refund of the price paid for any returned product (within 30 days; see below), with the following exceptions:
- Goods red-tagged, or marked as "clearance" or "as-is"
- Goods used or damaged after purchase
- Goods not returned with their original packaging
- "Mystery" packaged games and jigsaw puzzles
- Collectible goods such as trading card game packs or blind box miniatures and toys
If bought through our website, unopened items may be returned up to 30 days after the date they were shipped. Alternatively you can return the item in-store during normal open hours.
All charges will be refunded, excluding shipping and handling. Items that arrive damaged may also be returned. If your shipping box or the product container is damaged upon arrival, please call or email us before opening it and we'll take care of the issue ASAP.
If bought at our physical location, we accept returns (with your receipt) within 30 days of purchase. All charges will be refunded in the currency with which you paid (i.e., cash, credit card, or store credit).
The policy for returns of consignment Used Games may be found at the following link:
Used Games - Buying & Selling