This very portable beer & pretzels game comes as a pocket travel case containing 2 pig dice, two pencils and a scoring booklet that also includes the scoring table. The pigs are actual pig miniatures, with a dot on their right flanks.
The object is to be the first to score 100 points using "pigs" as dice. On your turn, you throw the pigs and hope they end up in a scoring position such as a "snouter," "trotter," or "leaning jowler" (ranging in value from 1 to 60 points).
Some complexity comes into play when deciding to "cash" the points you've made on your throw, or roll again hoping for a better outcome. However, one runs the risk of losing your un-cashed points or losing your entire accumulated score! Will your game go piggy-up?
Monopoly has been around for a long time. It actually has a fairly interesting history if you're looking for something to read. This Monopoly harkens back to the 1980s edition.