The Unfinity story centers around "Myra the Magnificient Intergalactic Astortorium of Fun", a space carnival that travels the galaxy. The carnival is a series of interconnected spaceships that can move from planet to planet, with the employees being a mix of Vampires, Goblins, Elves, and Zombies. With Unfinity taking a more sci-fi theme in mind, there are plenty of cards that adopt a classic futuristic approach compared to Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. Also, since the set features a carnival background, there will be carnival tropes, amusement parks, robots, aliens, and spaceships.
•15 foil Magic cards + 1 foil token in each booster
•3–5 Galaxy Foils + 10–12 Traditional Foils in every pack
•The very first Un-set Collector Boosters—get direct access to the coolest Unfinity cards
•Step right up and experience the Multiverse's ultimate intergalactic amusement park