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This deck of 48 Knowledge Cards offers a concise illustrated history of the civil rights movement and a chance to learn about the many brave people who fought against racial discrimination in the United States. Each card has a photo of an important event, person, or group on one side and a brief biography or description on the other. From early challenges to Jim Crow segregation, to the landmark Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, to the massive March on Washington, these cards tell the story of a turbulent era and proud achievements in the fight for equality.
• With 48 fact-filled cards per package, Knowledge Cards are a great source of condensed information—all in a deck the size of a pack of playing cards.
• Knowledge Cards are like small books—packed full of information and fun
• An easy way to learn
• Use as flash cards, or as a quiz game
Published with the Library of Congress
Size: 3.25 x 4 x .75 in.
ISBN 9780764917509
We're playing Dungeons & Dragons LIVE with KQED's Forum!