There once was a real ship named Black Pearl captained by Henry Morgan, one of the world’s most notorious pirates. The Black Pearl which first sailed in 1669 fought many battles; the most famous of which was an invasion in Panama in 1671. The following year Captain Morgan was put in prison in England. Years later he returned to Jamaica as a judge and governor. Henry Morgan died in England in 1688 after a long illness.
Assembled Size: 5.75"L x 1.75"W x 4.5"H (14.61 x 4.45 x 11.43 cm)
You could probably collect enough Metal Earth spacecraft to make a timeline of our progress. It's pretty neat to see how far we've come, and imagine how much farther we have to go.
Cable not included, unfortunately. Can you even call it a cable car if it doesn't have the cable? I guess just calling it 'car' wouldn't be very descriptive.
For when it's too cold to go to the actual Golden Gate, because let's be honest, that would probably be less work. Or, for making models of San Fransisco to terrorize with big stuffed monsters. Really, the possibilities are endless.